Advisor FAQ
There are no fees for a Advisor to list their profile on LinkYouNow.
Advisor fees are calculated based on the compensation received for an engagement – contracted work as a result of connecting through LinkYouNow. Fees are structured on a graduating scale. As the Advisor’s accumulated compensation for an engagement passes through each tier, it will be subject to the fees in that tier. The fees start at 5% and diminish to 0%, depending on the tier. See the Fee Schedule and be sure to read the Advisor Agreement for full details.
Your profile lists the summary of your your experience, skills and services you can provide to clients. You can add anything that you think is relevant or useful but you have to complete at least all the required fields in our Template. Complete your profile now! (note that you have to be signed in to access your profile).
Advisors pay fees only when they receive compensation from the work obtained through LinkYouNow. Advisors will pay LinkYouNow a small percentage each month when they receive compensation from Clients. Advisor fees are due no later than 30 days past the date of receipt of compensation. Read the Advisor Agreement for full details.
Your profile can only be seen by you, your clients and LinkYouNow administrators. Your profile is private and cannot be seen by visitors to our website.